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Universite de Paris
Initiative Physique des Infinis


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Accueil > Thèses, Stages, Formation et Enseignement > Propositions de thèses 2024 > Study and realization of a High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) for the ATLAS detector at the High Luminosity phase of the LHC.

Study and realization of a High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) for the ATLAS detector at the High Luminosity phase of the LHC.

par Tristan Beau - 6 novembre 2023

Titre : Study and realization of a High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) for the ATLAS detector at the High Luminosity phase of the LHC.

Directrice/directeur de thèse : Sophie Trincaz-Duvoid

Co-encadrant.e : Tristan Beau

Groupe d’accueil :ATLAS

Webpage du projet :

Collaboration : ATLAS-HGTD

Description :

The High-Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is scheduled to begin colliding protons in 2028. This major improvement to CERN’s flagship accelerator will increase the nominal total number of collisions in the ATLAS detector by a factor of 10 . This will induce a larger number of collisions per crossing (around 200). This phenomenon is called the pile-up (μ). To cope with this increase of collisions, ATLAS is preparing a complex series of upgrades including the installation of new detectors.
The LPNHE ATLAS group is involved in this detector upgrade program. In this context, the group contributes to the realization of a high granularity timing detector (HGTD) for tracks with high pseudo-rapidity. HGTD will allow a significative improvement of ATLAS performances, providing a better separation between events resulting from hard-scattering and those related to the pile-up.
HGTD is in the final research and development phase.
The PhD subject covers several aspects of the work needed for this future detector :
• The LPNHE is in charge of the assembly of the detector, so the student will contribute to the construction and the validation of a prototype of the latest demonstrator before production and to the validation of the module loading procedure.
She/he could also contribute to the beginning of the detector commissioning.

• The student will also work on the detector simulation in order to study and optimize its performance in term of track reconstruction, efficiency, purity and time resolution.
He/she could also work on the preparation of a future physics analysis using the new detector HGTD.
The student will present regularly his/her work in collaboration meetings at CERN.

Documentation : HGTD Technical Design Report :

Lieu(x) de travail : LPNHE

Déplacements éventuels : CERN près de Genève (Suisse)

Stage proposé avant la thèse : Oui

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