
Sorbonne Universite
Universite de Paris
Initiative Physique des Infinis


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Towards future long baseline neutrino experiments to study CP-violation

Equipe thématique “Asymétrie Matière Antimatière”; expériences: NA61/SHINE et WA105/ProtoDUNE

Directeur de thèse: Boris Popov

tél : 01 44 27 61 45


Codirecteur de thèse: Jacques Dumarchez

tél : 01 44 27 48 42

e-mail: jacques.dumarchez

Titre : Towards future long bseline neutrino experiments to study CP-violation

The LPNHE neutrino group is taking part to the NA61/SHINE
hadroproduction experiment at CERN. This experiment continues
taking data essential for precise neutrino flux predictions
in future long baseline experiments. In 2016 and 2017
data will be taken for use in the on-going Fermilab-based
experiments as well as the next generation DUNE project.
The analysis of these data and their implication on the sensitivity
of these neutrino oscillation experiments will be the
focus of this thesis work.

The LPNHE group is also involved in software developments
towards event reconstruction in large-volume liquid argon detectors
(WA105: prototype for the DUNE project) and the PhD student
will be able to contribute to these developments and to
their comparison to the test data which will be taken at CERN
from 2018 onwards.

Finally the LPNHE neutrino group being strongly involved
in the T2K experiment and it’s probable upgrade, the PhD
student will largely benefit from the accumulated experience
on neutrino beam understanding and on the reduction of
uncertainties in long baseline neutrinos experiments.

Lieu de travail : LPNHE - Paris

Déplacements éventuels: CERN



Ecole doctorale de rattachement :
Ecole doctorale Sciences de la Terre et de l’Environnement et Physique
de l’Univers

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